18 de agosto de 2010

Liverpool Pride headliner Adam Rickitt launches CHECKUM campaign

This summer sees Liverpool Pride headliner and all-round hunk Adam Rickitt work with some of music's biggest producers returning to music after ten years with two brand new tracks.
Adam Rickitt Feat: Richard Grey - "TONIGHT"
Adam Rickitt vs. Micky Modelle Feat: ROBIN S "BREATHE AGAIN 2010"
PLUS tracks with dance legend JASON NEVINS.
Adam is also taking part in the Famous Males National Campaign "Checkum" along with Westlife, Ronan Keating and other celebrities to raise awareness of testicular cancer. He is posing nude to encourage guys to overcome any embarrassment about their bodies and to "Checkum selves"
You might have thought that Adam Rickitt has been quiet for the past few years since leaving Britain's biggest soap Coronation Street, but you'd be mistaken.
Adam has been the start of New Zealand biggest show 'Shortland Street' for the past four years playing the popular character (and murderer!) "Kieran Mitchell" and the climax of his departure will take place during August.

Fuente: http://www.liverpoolpride.co.uk

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